New York City Trippers

Welcome to New York JFK

21 Sep 2018 by Daphne

Going to New York City is a big thing to us, each and every time. We almost always fly KLM - usually take the KL641 - and during the 7,5 hours in the air we never run out of things to talk about.

KLM airplane

(photo credits: KLM)

And then you arrive at JFK. Where, unless you entered the States after 2008 and can make use of the Automated Passport Control, a Homeland Security staffmember will direct you into what we call a Disneyland line. With signs that say that the US Department of Homeland Security will do anything to make the visitors feel very welcome. But you don't really feel welcome when, sometimes after 45 minutes but sometimes it takes 2 hours, you're ordered to place your passport on the desk.

Suitcase on it's way to New York City

The last time I got a snappy “step back please” and Esther was yelled at because she had been on the phone at one point during the loooooong wait: “I saw you! You were on your cellphone!”. And yet, I truly believe that it is all just theatre and that they don’t really think of what is written on the cards below. Because every now and then we manage to get a smile on a Homeland Security staffmember’s face. But the biggest smile is offcourse on our faces. Because “YEAH”! WE’RE BACK!

Welcome to JFK

But once you're passed the security the city is at your feet. Catch a yellow cab and before you know it you'll see the New York skyline coming up. Did you already book a hotel? You'll find some more of our hotel reviews in the guide/stay section. But if you want to get an overview of all available accomodation in New York click here.

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