New York City Trippers

About the weather

21 Jul 2017 by Esther

Warm in the summer, cold in the winter, rain in the fall and spring, well, whatever. Easter can be cold or hot. One year you’re looking for Easter eggs in your Uggs, the next year you’ll be wearing flipflops. Summers in New York are usually hot with big thunderstorms from time to time. Winters can be really cold and New York sometimes has to cope with extreme snowstorms, the so called blizzards, that can totally paralize the city.

© Danielle Grillis

The volatile weather and the extremes that occur in each season are typical for the New York City climate. Each summer has at least a couple of heatwaves and temperatures run up to and sometimes over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Wintertimes can be very very cold. Once every 20 to 30 years big hurricanes rage over New York and cause serious problems. Remember Sandy …

The last time I asked a local about the weather he said “well a butterfly can flap its wings and everything will be different”. And that’s just how it is.

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